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And you're going to live with us. --Cobbs!" "Sir. " "What do you think my grandmamma gives me when I go down there?" "I couldn't so much as make a guess sir. " "A Bank of England five-pound note Cobbs. " "Whew!" says Cobbs "that's a spanking sum of money Master Harry. " "A person could do a good deal with such a sum of money as that --couldn't a person Cobbs?" "I believe you sir!" "Cobbs " said the boy "I'll tell you a secret. At Norah's house they have been joking her about me and pretending to laugh at our being engaged --pretending to make game of it Cobbs!" "Such sir " says Cobbs "is the depravity of human natur. " The boy looking exactly like his father stood for a few minutes with his glowing face towards the sunset and then departed with "Good-night.
drive reverend strength reverend shoplifting reverend drive shoplifting shoplifting
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